Past Simple Tense Exercises / Exercises / By English Learning 101 2 Created by English Learning 101 Past Simple Tense Exercise Level 1 1 / 10 We ______ the museum on our school trip. visiting visited visit 2 / 10 He _______ dinner for his family yesterday. cooked cooking cook 3 / 10 She ________ at the party last night. danced dance dancing 4 / 10 The dog ________ loudly at the mailman. bark barking barked 5 / 10 Yesterday, it ________ heavily all day. rains raining rained 6 / 10 They ________ a movie at the cinema last weekend. watch watched watching 7 / 10 He ______ his keys yesterday, but he found them later. losing lost lose 8 / 10 We ______ our grandparents last weekend. visited visiting visit 9 / 10 Yesterday, I _____ a delicious pizza. eating ate eaten 10 / 10 Sarah _______ for her exam last night. studied study studies Your score isThe average score is 100% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 2 Created by English Learning 101 Past Simple Tense Exercise Level 2 1 / 15 ______ we ______ to the party last night? Didn't, going Didn't, went Didn't, go 2 / 15 _____ he _____ understand the instructions? Did, not Does, not have, not been 3 / 15 He __________ breakfast this morning. did not eat did not ate did not eating 4 / 15 The cat ________ off the table. jumped jumping jump 5 / 15 He _______ a promotion at work. receive received receiving 6 / 15 I _______ my homework an hour ago. finished finish finishing 7 / 15 _____ she not ______ the competition? Did, won Did, winning Did, win 8 / 15 They _________ their graduation with a joyful party. celebrate celebrating celebrated 9 / 15 They _______ to the beach last summer. went going go 10 / 15 We _______ Paris two years ago. visiting visit visited 11 / 15 I ___________ the movie. didn't enjoy didn't enjoyed didn't enjoying 12 / 15 He _______ a cup of coffee this morning. taken takes took 13 / 15 _____ we _____ our relatives over the holidays? Didn't, visit Didn't, visited Don't, visit 14 / 15 We __________ soccer in the park yesterday. didn't playing didn't played didn't play 15 / 15 She __________ her friends for lunch yesterday. didn't meeting didn't meet didn't met Your score isThe average score is 73% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 4 Created by English Learning 101 Past Simple Tense Exercise Level 3 1 / 20 She ____________ for her mistake. didn't apologizing didn't apologize didn't apologized 2 / 20 _____ he _____ basketball in high school? Do, play Does, played Did, play 3 / 20 _______ beach _____ you _____ on your trip? Which, do, visit Which, did, visited Which, did, visit 4 / 20 She ______ a delicious dinner for the family last night. cook cooking cooked 5 / 20 I __________ my homework on time. did not finish didn't finished don't finish 6 / 20 I _____ sushi for dinner last night. ate eat eaten 7 / 20 He __________ the exam despite studying hard. didn't passed did not pass not pass 8 / 20 _____ she ______ the movie last night? Didn't, watching Didn't, watch Didn't, watched 9 / 20 She _________ her driving test on the first attempt. didn't pass Doesn't pass did not pass Does not pass 10 / 20 They ______ the house yesterday. clean cleaning cleaned 11 / 20 ________ they _____ each other? How did, meet How do, meet How did, met 12 / 20 _________ she _____ on her vacation? Where, go Where did, went Where did, go 13 / 20 She _____ her mother and talked for hours about her day. called call calling 14 / 20 _____ you _____ our friends at the party? didn't, seen didn't, saw didn't, see 15 / 20 _____ he _____ football when he was a child? Did, play Does, play Did, played 16 / 20 _________ you ______ your last summer vacation? Where did, spent Where do, spend Where did, spend 17 / 20 We ________ to the beach last weekend. did not went did not go not went 18 / 20 We ______ at the party all night. dancing danced dance 19 / 20 She ______ her grandparents every summer. visit visited visiting 20 / 20 _____ you _____ the new movie in theaters? Do, watch Did, watch Did, watched Your score isThe average score is 85% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Post Views: 408