essay on allama iqbal 100 words

Essay on Allama Iqbal 100 Words

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, is revered as a philosopher, poet, and visionary. Known as the “Poet of the East,” he inspired Muslims in the subcontinent with his powerful poetry and ideas. Iqbal’s works, like Bang-e-Dra and Asrar-e-Khudi, emphasized self-awareness, spiritual awakening, and unity. He envisioned a separate homeland for Muslims, later realized as Pakistan. Iqbal’s philosophy blended Eastern traditions with modern ideas, emphasizing self-reliance and faith. His contributions to literature and politics make him a timeless figure in history. Allama Iqbal passed away on April 21, 1938, leaving a profound legacy.