The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, is used to describe an ongoing action or event that was happening in the past. It emphasizes that the action was in progress at a specific point or period in the past. In this tense, we use the past tense of the auxiliary verb “to be” (was/were) along with the present participle form of the main verb (-ing form).
(A) Verb “to be” (was/were): Choose the correct form of the verb “to be” based on the subject. Use “was” with the pronoun (I, he, she, it,) and singular name. Use “were” (you, we, they) and plural names.
(B) Spelling rules for creating ing form of verb:
(1) Regular Verbs:
To form the past continuous tense for regular verbs, simply add “ing” to the base form of the verb.
Walk + ing = Walking
Talk + ing = Talking
Jump + ing = Jumping
Play + ing = Playing
Watch + ing = Watching
(2) Verbs ending in -e:
For verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and add “ing” to form the past continuous tense.
- Dance – e + ing = Dancing
- Drive – e + ing = Driving
- Smile – e + ing = Smiling
- Bake -e + ing = Baking
- Write -e + ing = Writing
(3) Verbs ending in -ie:
For verbs ending in -ie, change -ie to -y and add “ing” to form the past continuous tense.
- Lie – ie + y + ing = Lying
- Die – ie + y + ing = Dying
- Tie – ie + y = Tying
- Untie – ie + y +ing = Untying
- Vie – ie + y + ing = Vying
(4) Verbs with “ee” or “oe” at the end:
If a verb ends with “ee” or “oe,” add “-ing” without any changes.
- agree + ing = agreeing
- flee + ing = fleeing
- hoe + ing = hoeing
- pee + ing = peeing
- foresee + ing = foreseeing
(5) To form the past continuous tense for regular verbs ending in “y,” add simply “ing”
- Carry + ing = Carrying
- Study + ing = Studying
- Cry + ing = Crying
- Apply + ing = Applying
- Try + ing = Trying
(6) Verbs ending in a single consonant + vowel + consonant (with a short stressed vowel):
For these verbs, double the final consonant and add “ing” to form the past continuous tense.
- Swim + m + ing = Swimming
- Stop + p + ing = Stopping
- Run + n + ing = Running
- Cut + t + ing = Cutting
- Plan + n + ing = Planning
(7) Verbs ending in “w,” “x,” or “y”:
For verbs ending in “w,” “x,” or “y,” simply add “ing” to form the past continuous tense.
- Bow + ing = Bowing
- Mix + ing = Mixing
- Play + ing = Playing
- Enjoy + ing = Enjoying
- Employ + ing = Employing