Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words with Examples in English Vocabulary

Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words with Examples in English Vocabulary


Root words, prefixes, and suffixes form the foundation of English vocabulary. Understanding these linguistic building blocks can greatly enhance your ability to comprehend and use a wide range of words effectively. In this post, we’ll delve into the importance of root words, prefixes, and suffixes, and how you can leverage them to expand your vocabulary.

What are Root Words?

Root words are the basic building blocks of words. They are the main part of a word that carries its core meaning. For example, the root word “act” means to do something. From this root word, we can form various related words like “actor,” “action,” and “react.”

  1. Act: Actor, action, react, activate, transaction
  2. Bio: Biology, biography, biome, biosphere, biopsy
  3. Port: Portable, transport, export, import, airport
  4. Aud: Audible, audience, auditorium, audiovisual, audition
  5. Tele: Telephone, television, telescope, telecommunication, telepathy
  6. Graph: Graphic, biography, photograph, autograph, telegraph
  7. Meter: Thermometer, speedometer, perimeter, barometer, diameter
  8. Hydro: Hydroelectric, hydrology, hydrate, dehydrate, hydroplane
  9. Scribe: Describe, inscribe, scribble, prescribe, transcribe
  10. Voc: Vocal, vocabulary, invocation, advocate, evoke

What are Prefixes?

Prefixes are affixes added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. They can alter the sense of the root word in various ways. Common prefixes include “re-” (again), “un-” (not), “pre-” (before), and “mis-” (wrong). Understanding prefixes can help you decipher unfamiliar words and grasp their meanings more quickly.

  1. Un-: Unhappy, unclear, untie, unsure, uncover
  2. Re-: Rebuild, replay, return, reconsider, rematch
  3. Dis-: Dislike, disapprove, disappear, disown, disbelieve
  4. Pre-: Preheat, preview, prearrange, prepay, pretest
  5. Mis-: Misunderstand, misinterpret, misplace, misbehave, misfire
  6. Anti-: Antisocial, antifungal, antibiotic, antiseptic, anticlimax
  7. Sub-: Submarine, subway, submerge, substandard, subtitle
  8. Inter-: Interact, interject, intermission, intercept, international
  9. Over-: Overload, overlook, overestimate, overcome, overshadow
  10. Trans-: Transfer, transmit, transform, transplant, transcribe

What are Suffixes?

Suffixes are affixes added to the end of a word to change its grammatical function or meaning. They can indicate tense, plurality, or turn a verb into a noun, among other functions. Examples of suffixes include “-ful” (full of), “-less” (without), “-able” (capable of), and “-ing” (present participle). Recognizing suffixes can aid in understanding word forms and usage.

  1. -able: Comfortable, reliable, portable, adjustable, available
  2. -ful: Beautiful, successful, playful, colorful, helpful
  3. -less: Homeless, hopeless, fearless, careless, thoughtless
  4. -ment: Movement, development, excitement, agreement, improvement
  5. -ness: Happiness, darkness, kindness, awareness, weakness
  6. -er: Teacher, writer, dancer, singer, baker
  7. -ist: Artist, scientist, pianist, activist, dentist
  8. -ion: Action, reaction, creation, decision, connection
  9. -ive: Active, creative, effective, supportive, negative
  10. -ity: Quality, activity, ability, reality, community

Strategies for Learning and Using Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes:

  1. Word Analysis: Break down unfamiliar words into their root, prefix, and suffix components to discern their meanings.
  2. Contextual Clues: Pay attention to the context in which words are used to infer their meanings based on surrounding words and phrases.
  3. Practice with Word Families: Explore word families derived from common root words to reinforce your understanding of related words.
  4. Use in Writing and Speaking: Incorporate newly learned root words, prefixes, and suffixes into your writing and speech to solidify your grasp of vocabulary.

Conclusion: Root words, prefixes, and suffixes are essential tools for unlocking the vast richness of the English language. By mastering these fundamental elements, you can significantly enhance your vocabulary skills and become a more confident communicator in English.