Present Simple Tense Exercises / Exercises / By English Learning 101 34 Created by English Learning 101 Present Simple Tense Exercise Level 1 1 / 10 The sun _______ in the morning. rises raising rose 2 / 10 They _______ football on weekends. played play playing 3 / 10 I _______ my breakfast at 7 am. eating ate eat 4 / 10 My parents _______ in a big city. living lived live 5 / 10 He _______ a book before bed. reading read reads 6 / 10 She _______ English lessons online. takes taking took 7 / 10 He _______ basketball with his friends. playing play plays 8 / 10 She _______ her teeth twice a day. brushing brushed brushes 9 / 10 We _______ our friends on Saturdays. visiting visited visit 10 / 10 They _______ in the park every evening. walk walking walks Your score isThe average score is 64% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 20 Created by English Learning 101 Present Simple Tense Exercise Level 2 1 / 15 He _____ not like spicy food. do did Does 2 / 15 They ________ not live in that neighborhood. do does done 3 / 15 I _____ to drink tea in the morning. liked likes like 4 / 15 The company _____ not provide free shipping. does did do 5 / 15 We _____ English at school. studies study studied 6 / 15 _____ she speak Spanish fluently? Do Did Does 7 / 15 They _____ dinner at 7 p.m. every day. ate eats eat 8 / 15 He _____ movies in his free time. watched watches watch 9 / 15 _____ you work in the IT industry? Does Do Did 10 / 15 She _____ the piano every day. plays play playing 11 / 15 The cat _____ on the sofa. sleep sleeps slept 12 / 15 They _____ to the beach on weekends. went goes go 13 / 15 The birds _____ beautifully in the morning. sang sings sing 14 / 15 _____they play soccer on Saturdays? Does Did Do 15 / 15 We _____ not have any pets. did does do Your score isThe average score is 81% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 13 Created by English Learning 101 Present Simple Tense Exercise Level 3 1 / 21 We _____ usually go out for dinner on weekdays. doesn't don't does not 2 / 21 We ______ our favorite TV show every Monday evening. watches watched watch 3 / 21 He _____ not regularly practice yoga for relaxation. did does do 4 / 21 The alarm clock ________ every morning to wake me up. ring rings ringing 5 / 21 _____ she not watch TV in the mornings? Does Did Do 6 / 21 _____ they _____ typically enjoy watching horror movies. Do, not Did, not Does, not 7 / 21 He always ______ a walk in the park after dinner. takes took take 8 / 21 _____ we not enjoy going to crowded places? Does Did Do 9 / 21 ________ he not drink coffee in the evenings? Does Did Do 10 / 21 They ______ the meetings regularly. attends attended attend 11 / 21 _____ she read books in her free time? Didn't Don't Doesn't 12 / 21 _____ you have any plans for the weekend? Does Do Did 13 / 21 _____ they play tennis on weekends? Doesn't Don't Didn't 14 / 21 The flowers ________ beautifully in the springtime. blossoming blossomed blossom 15 / 21 She usually _____ her summer vacations traveling to exotic destinations. spends spend spent 16 / 21 ______ you often explore new cuisines and try different restaurants? Does Did Do 17 / 21 _____ we _____ have any plans for tomorrow? Do, not Did, not Does, not 18 / 21 _____ they always follow the same routine every morning? Did Do Does 19 / 21 The teacher ______ homework assignments every week. assigning assign assigns 20 / 21 He _____ work in the marketing department. does not doesn't don't do not 21 / 21 The company CEO ______ an inspiring speech at the conference. deliver delivers delivering Your score isThe average score is 82% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Post Views: 453